

Mobile Yarn is the "happy place" for so many, a comfy cozy hideaway from everything.  If your idea of fun is to while away the hours making something beautiful from a simple piece of string, join us.  Weaving, Tatting, Crochet and Knitting are our chosen Arts.

If you are tired of the same old stuff at the big box stores, come see how nice your projects turn out when you use "nothing but the best" at Mobile Yarn.  Enjoy expert help from my 50+ years experience in needle arts.

I opened my original store, "Heidi's YarnHaus" just down the street from here in 2001, in order to share with others how easy these crafts are when you have the right materials and skills.  It wasn't so easy for me to learn by myself and I wanted to spread the joy once I got it all figured out!

Make yourself at home; the coffee pot is always ON, and you should be prepared for lots of yackety-yack, some belly laughs, and even a shoulder to lean on if you need it. 

"If It's String, It's Our Thing!"
